I came into the session with Michele feeling depleted and as if cords of energy were pulling me into a very negative space. She suggested that we do a Medical Qi Gong session, and just “look” and see what was going on. As she worked, I began to feel my shoulders release and a weight simply being lifted from my body.
She encouraged me to begin a conversation with the 3 year old me that had created this protective armor. I’ve done “inner child” work before, but this felt different. Instead of listening for an outer voice reassuring me, it was coming from the inside. I found that the ability to soothe myself lay within me, and I felt a deep sense of love, forgiveness, and self-acceptance that has stayed with me. I felt HOME within my own being, if that makes sense. I am not new to this process, but Michele’s guidance was powerfully effective in reaching a deeper level of trust in myself, and in her.