We are excited to report that we have found a new home for our qi gong meditations offerings. For those who tried to access the downloads or a CD for purchase, we apologize for any inconveniences for the malfunctioning links. We have fixed and updated everything. We are no longer offering the hard copy CDs, but instead have downloads available of the entire set of meditations for both Qi Gong for Radiant Health and Qi Gong for Emotional Health. The sets of downloads are available for 7.99 Continue Reading
Qi Gong Classes Starting in February
Qi Gong literally means skill and represents systems of meditative knowledge that have a history of over 5000 years in China. These practices are very relevant for modern times. Qi Gong has been a transformative practice for both of us, and we are excited to share these tools with you to help you develop your skill in managing your own qi. We will be offering weekly qi gong classes starting in February at 4 Branches. We will be offering classes Tuesday evenings from 6:00-7:00 PM Continue Reading
December Qi Gong Classes for Children and Adults
We will be offering qi gong classes in December at 4 Branches for both kids and adults. Two classes for adults will be focused on supporting and strengthening your body and immune system to promote health and well being for the Winter season, and a third class will offer qi gong specifically suited for children (and great for adults too!). Winter Prep Qi Gong (December 1 and 8) With winter prep qi gong we will be showing you qi gong to help you strengthen and nourish your kidneys and lung Continue Reading
Living the Authentic Voice of Your Soul
In the Taoist conceptualization of human consciousness, there are two concepts that I find particularly helpful in quest to live an authentic and balanced life. One is called the shen zhi and loosely translates into our personality or the acquired mind. The shen zhi is considered to be the post natal aspect of our mind that is influenced by culture, emotions, thoughts, and daily activities and stressors. It is the combined consciousness of the five organ spirits, and it plays an important role Continue Reading
Medical Qi Gong’s Role in the Modern World
Medical Qi Gong, one of the four branches of Chinese medicine Medical Qi Gong has been used for thousands of years in addressing all manner of health imbalance. It is Chinese medicine’s version of energy work. The medical qi gong therapist uses focus, intention, and meditative states to accomplish particular health goals for the client. By using the roadmap and diagnostic principles of Chinese medicine as well energetic healing states, the qi gong therapist can make significant changes Continue Reading
How Chinese Medicine Can Help Anxiety
Written by Andres Vergara, Dipl.OM, L.Ac. and Michele Collins Vergara, RH (AHG), MPH Anxiety often represents an advanced progression of various smaller imbalances and thought patterns. In Chinese medicine various symptoms are used as clues to understand how to easily and practically address the reality of anxiety. In order to best help we ask clients to breakdown how does anxiety feel in their body. Are there heart palpitations? Is there a shortness of breath? Spinning thoughts? Sleep Continue Reading
Experience all 4 Branches of Chinese Medicine
In the interest of providing more comprehensive care, we have designed some opportunities to better promote a deeper healing facilitated by the synergy of the 4 branches of Chinese medicine. Each of these therapies serves to support and reinforce the other. Also, in addition to receiving acupuncture and a customized herbal formula, we also will teach you important self care tools from Chinese nutritional therapy and qi gong to help you manage your own healing process. Here is more information Continue Reading