Picture of an acupuncture meridian from article
– Use of Magnetic Nanoparticles to Visualize Threadlike Structures
inside Lymphatic Vessels of Rat. Evidence-Based Complementary and
Alternative Medicine, Volume 4 (2007), Issue 1, Pages 77-82.
What is medical qi gong?
To understand Medical Qi Gong, it helps to first understand Qi Gong. Qi Gong literally means skill with qi, and is a thousands year old health practice originally from China used to both preserve health when well and to heal illness when sick. It consists of movement, sound, meditation and intention to move qi in the body and thus attain good health.
Medical Qi Gong is similar as it abides by the same principles and is one of the four main branches of Chinese medicine. It works through the use of movement, intention and meditative states to heal. The main difference is that the medical qi gong practitioner uses these states to accomplish particular health goals for the client. By using the roadmap and diagnostic principles of Chinese medicine as well energetic healing states, the qi gong practitioner can make significant changes on the energetic substructure of the client in order to improve their health and wellbeing. In short, medical qi gong is Chinese medicine’s version of energy work.
What are medical qi gong prescriptions?
Medical qi gong prescriptions are qi gong exercises and meditations that we will teach to you for you to do on your own at home after a session. Often, specific qi gong prescriptions are recommended after the medical qi gong treatment to enhance and sustain the results. Qi gong exercises use gentle movement, sound, color, and meditation to accomplish specific goals as discerned through the use of the Chinese medicine diagnostic system. Once you have a Chinese medicine pattern differentiation, all of the branches of Chinese medicine can be applied to support the healing process. To read about qi gong practice, see Michele and Andres’ blog post that describes the benefits of a consistent qi gong practice, how qi gong is the spiritual science behind Chinese medicine, as well as their other articles about the practice of qi gong. Or you can explore qi gong on your own by purchasing their CD, Qi gong for Radiant Health, to learn important basic qi gong meditations you can use to support your health and well being.
When do you recommend medical qi gong?
Michele teaches qi gong, applying specific prescriptions that are best suited to a client’s health condition. She is also a master of medial qi gong, and is trained to use medical qi gong for a wide variety of health issues including such things as women’s health issues, neurological issues, pain disorders, oncology, mental/emotional issues (i.e. anxiety, depression, etc.). Medical qi gong can be used effectively with other healing modalities such as herbs and food therapy. Because of this, she provides individual consultations in medical qi gong, as well as integrates this with herbal medicine and food therapy/nutritional counseling. Michele offers medical qi gong during in person office visits and virtually for animals and humans alike.
What can medical qi gong do for me?
Medical qi gong consists of techniques that are either purging, tonifying, regulating or harmonizing. As in all the the therapies that we practice at 4 Branches Chinese Medicine Center (namely herbal medicine, medical qi gong and Chinese nutritional counseling). Chinese medicine is body/mind/spirit approach. Because medical qi gong is a form of energy medicine, it is particularly suited to address both gross and subtle signs and symptoms and to transform underlying patterns manifesting as various physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual issues. Because medical qi gong is useful for a wide variety of health concerns such as pain, we often integrate medical qi gong into herbal sessions in order to increase their effectiveness.
What can I expect from a medical qi gong session?
Medical qi gong sessions can happen either as a distance session or in person and can either be an interactive session with guided meditation and discussion or a session on a comfortable massage table. Typically, the session begins with an initial discussion of your goals for the session. During distance or in person sessions, you can observe any feelings or insights that arise. There may be limited touch during an in person session, usually to a specific acupuncture point. Depending on your specific goals, the session may be conducted in silence or there may be discussion and dialogue. After the session concludes, there will be a time to debrief to discuss any insights or questions. Many people feel very relaxed and peaceful during sessions. Some people experience the movement of qi, in the form of heat or cool sensations or tingling accompanied by peaceful well being. Some people see images or colors during sessions. Others experience shifts or insights that support their healing process.