We are excited to report that we have found a new home for our qi gong meditations offerings. For those who tried to access the downloads or a CD for purchase, we apologize for any inconveniences for the malfunctioning links. We have fixed and updated everything. We are no longer offering the hard copy CDs, but instead have downloads available of the entire set of meditations for both Qi Gong for Radiant Health and Qi Gong for Emotional Health. The sets of downloads are available for 7.99 each using this link. We do have some remaining copies of both CDs at our office if you would like to purchase one. We are grateful to have found a new an improved solution.
As we navigate the Fall season and prepare for Winter, we also wanted to offer some support for staying healthy using Chinese medicine. In Chinese medicine, Fall is the time of the lungs, as well as the time for culling what you have produced during the creative fire of spring and summer and releasing what no longer sustains and nourishes you. It is also a time of moving inward as the energy of Summer begins to descend in preparation for Winter. Here are some ways you can harmonize with the Fall season to support you and your lungs.
- Breathing fresh air – be sure to get outdoors and do some relaxed breathing, or do some exercise such as swimming and consciously bring awareness into the breath. Breathing into the center of gravity while relaxing the muscles of the chest is also helpful.
- Do stretches to open up the chest and the lungs, as well as singing and or playing wind instruments like the saxophone, trumpet, flute etc.
- Lung healing qi gong sound – Inhale and guide the color white up from your center of gravity to nourish and bathe the lungs. As you exhale, make the lungs sound “Sssss” releasing clearing out any grief sadness and depression which can clog the lungs. Then smile and embrace the lungs with unconditional love and acceptance. Here is a guided meditation with your lungs using the healing sound below you can use.
- Dry brushing the skin (which is considered to be a part of the lung system in Chinese medicine), using a natural bristle brush to lightly brush the skin before showering.
- Wear comfortable clothes and natural fibers to give more freedom for the lungs to breath.
- Get moderate sun, avoiding excessive exposure, as it can damage the skin.
- The virtues of the lung are integrity courage and respect. Being able to appreciate and value yourself and your surroundings is an important way to satisfy and please the intelligence of the lung. Expressing our values nourishes the lungs.
- Pay attention to the physical aesthetics both in terms of personal appearance and in terms of the home environment to support the energy of lung.
- Use the Fall to reflect and to be grateful for the harvest of your life and the year and to let go of all that isn’t serving you in life.
- Eat foods that support the lungs – pears are good for the lungs. Leafy green vegetables like mustard greens, kale, and green and red cabbage are good for the lungs. Also green and yellow and bell peppers, daikon radish, carrots, yams, pumpkin, squash, figs, sesame seeds, apricots, ginkgo nuts, tangerines and other citrus foods.
- Eat plenty of mushrooms, like shitake and maitake – they are also good for the lungs and boost the immune system.